South Florida Appraisal Services

State Certified Real Estate Appraiser

(772) 678-2980

Coverage Area

St Lucie, Martin, and Palm Beach counties.

Type of Property

Single family homes, condominiums, townhomes, villas, and vacant lots.

Intended Use of Appraisal

Estate, divorce, bankruptcy, family transactions, selling, buying, immigration, taxes, bail bond, and investment purposes.

Appraisals $295

Appraisals completed in 24 hours for $295 are called "Desktop Appraisals" as I do not physically visit the property.

I utilize information about the property provided by the client (photos, updating, repairs needed), public records, the Multiple Listing Service, and other online sources.

If accurate information regarding the property is provided there will be no difference in value between a desktop appraisal ($295 and completed in 24 hours) and a typical appraisal where I view the property in person ($450 and completed in 5 days).

The desktop appraisal is recommended to most clients as it serves their needs, is less expensive, and can be completed faster.

* Please note, desktop appraisals are not available for all properties due to lack of data or complexity of the property. 24 hour turn around time is for Monday through Friday.